About me
Kia Orana, I’m Teariki-Maeva! I am honored to help guide you into creating a sacred space for your divine expansion into your hips and heart.

My name is Teariki-Maeva and I am your Sacred Polynesian Ura (dance) facilitator and guide. I am an island womban here to ignite, inspire and initiate women worldwide to immerse themselves and expand into the safeness of their embodiment as their truest expression.
My vision is to inspire YOU to remember YOUR Ura through activating and implementing the foundations of Polynesian Dance. My mission is to guide you home to your heart through your hips. My passion is celebrating your Ura while reminding you that dance is a healing modality so you ignite consistency whilst having fun, letting go of 'perfectionism mindset’ as you embrace your unique codes of flow.
For 33 years now, Sacred Ura medicine continues to be a gracious giver for me to receive many invitations to deepen my love for life, aligning my inner and outer worlds with my moon cycles, to deepen my love for rest, play and most importantly, my love for self. I have profound reverence for the foundational shapes of Polynesian Dance as they are for me sacred, holy, elevating, regulating, releasing, healing and recalibrating.
Dance is an umbrella that continues to abundantly rain over me continuous layers of healing such as womb healing, releasing of stagnant energy and trauma, sacral activation, creating more body awareness and conscious connection to my breath, connecting me deeper to my sensuality and sexuality, inner child healing and holistically enhancing my over wellbeing physically, mentally and emotionally.
I've allowed dance to be my teacher for setting the pace as I move through every aspect of my life. Adept at creating an intentional, integrative playful and sensual container for the Divine Feminine’s journey inward, I am honored to help you transcend into birthing a more intentional and sacred outlook for your divine expansion into creating your own heaven on earth through sacred ura.
Through Sacred Ura, my one prayer full of permission is for every woman to claim these medicinal shapes full of emOCEAN to ascend, transcend, teleport and bridge you home inward.
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